so that he could say he was funding schools. Of course, a huge amount of money gets siphoned out of our budgets because of vouchers. Additionally, our school funding formula makes it so that districts who have fewer students get less money per pupil from the state. Makes some immediate logical sense that you don't need as much money if you have fewer kids. But the reality of that is that more than half the districts in Wisconsin have declining enrollment as people move to the larger cities to get access to services, both public and private. And if we lose 100 kids in our district in a year, we still need the same number of buildings maintained and teachers to maintain adequate staffing. We cannot just decrease the number of employees proportionally.
Walker's policies have hurt our schools badly and it is getting worse, not better. And that is just public primary and secondary schools. That doesn't even touch what has happened to our higher education venues that are publicly funded.
But private schools that saddle their students with huge amounts of debt are doing great.