Racine police sergeant's BAC was .182 after Dec. crash; charges expected soon [View all]
RACINE Racine Police Sgt. Samuel Stulos blood-alcohol content was more than double the legal limit, 0.182 percent, when he allegedly crashed his truck and injured a woman on Dec. 17, according to state records.
The Journal Times received the results through an open records request filed with the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene, which conducts blood-alcohol tests for the state.
Stulos blood sample, which was reportedly taken more than two and a half hours after the crash occurred, was reported as received by the state laboratory on Dec. 27 10 days after the crash. That was the same day The Journal Times first published a story about the incident after receiving an anonymous tip about the crash.
State Laboratory of Hygiene officials said that they completed the test on Jan. 2 and reported the results the following day.
Read more: https://journaltimes.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/update-police-sergeant-s-bac-was-after-dec-crash-charges/article_5609cab7-2463-54f9-a135-17098882bd0a.html
(Racine Journal Times)