A Wauwatosa teacher wanted Scott Walker to stop talking about her nearly a decade ago. He's still at [View all]
MADISON - Scott Walker has again ignored a request from an award-winning Wauwatosa high school teacher to quit using her name to make a point about collective bargaining nearly a decade after she first said she wanted the former governor to stop.
Wauwatosa East High School English teacher Megan Sampson earned national attention in 2011 when Walker first used her experience of being laid off from her first teaching job in a column published in the Wall Street Journal defending his work to effectively end collective bargaining for public school teachers.
Sampson said then, and again in 2015, that she didn't want Walker to cite her experience to champion the law known as Act 10. But eight years later, Walker is still ignoring the teacher's wishes even after leaving the governor's office.
In a column published Thursday in the conservative Washington Times and in a radio appearance last week, Walker again cited Sampson's layoff from a Milwaukee school under a last-hired, first-fired policy that existed in many teachers' contracts until Act 10 banned them.
Read more: https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/2019/05/20/wauwatosa-teacher-wanted-scott-walker-stop-talking-her-nearly-decade-ago-but-hes-still/3710739002/
(Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)