UW-Madison student crowned Miss Wisconsin [View all]
MADISON, Wis. (WMTV) - A UW-Madison junior studying nuclear engineering won over $12,000 in scholarships after being crowned Miss Wisconsin Saturday evening.
Competing as Miss Badgerland, Grace Stanke took the title of Miss Wisconsin against a field of 22 candidates throughout the state. Stanke is the first woman to hold the titles of Miss Wisconsins Outstanding Teen and Miss Wisconsin. Stanke won the 2017 Teen competition five years ago on June 18.
As part of her winnings, Stanke earned $12,500 in scholarships, along with the opportunity to compete for the Miss America title in December. The 20-year-old also won the overall interview award and the preliminary talent award, earning her an additional $800 in scholarship funds. For her talent, she performed a classical violin solo of Storm, from the Four Seasons by Vivaldi. For her Social Impact Pitch, Stanke gave a 45-second presentation on an initiative to help shift America to green energy with an emphasis on nuclear power.
As Miss Wisconsin, she hopes to develop additional youth workshops and a social media presence of nuclear content for early exposure, so she can help inspire future nuclear engineers.
Nuclear engineer and violinist... being a beauty queen sure has changed!