... is their strategy. If you want to exercise complete and ruthless control over an entire population, start with the marginalized demographics that all the room-temperature IQs fear. Every weak and ignorant male is terrified of giving equality to women, so that's who Republicans attack first, by restricting their rights again and again and again. They simultaneously attack and undermine Black folks, Jews, Gays, Trans individuals; the list goes on.
These are obscenely vile and hate-filled people. I saw a recent interview with a hard-core Trump-humper in her gaudy, tasteless, defiling-the-Flag-Code, clown suit, in which she expressed some disappointment in Trump because she felt that "he was not hurting the people he was supposed to be hurting". That sums up conservatism in a dozen words.
EVERY evangelist preacher is carved out of the same turd as the insane Jim Jones of Guyana fame. They are control freaks gone supernova, and are not to be trusted under any circumstances. That's the model that all Republicans emulate. They crave dominion over the lives of others, and they are NEVER satisfied, up to, and including, how, when, and why you die. They consider "A Handmaid's Tale" to be an instruction manual.
I'm old enough to remember when it was possible to have Republican friends, and just agree to disagree on some policy issues. Those days are gone forever. Now, my hatred of Der Republican Party burns hotter than the surface of the Sun.