A New Matilda story which exposes the back-story to last night's Four Corners episode:
"If Four Corners had screened CCTV footage of Dylan Voller, high on ice, bashing a teenager in a car park before his mates knocked him unconscious, it might’ve tempered widespread outrage at his abject victimisation in the NT Don Dale Youth Detention Centre near Darwin, in August 2014.
"It shouldn’t. Four Corners elected to refer to Voller merely as a ‘troubled boy’. Soon after this assault, Voller had levelled the nose of his Holden Commodore at a police officer, and narrowly avoided running him down.
"Instead what Four Corners exposed was the unrestrained institutional violence unleashed on this child from his incarceration at barely 11 years old. As the nauseating footage unspools, it becomes cause for wonder that he didn’t take the opportunity to mow down a member of the force that had repeatedly left him in fear for his life.
"Violently angry doesn’t quite cover the response it has elicited in viewers. God only knows what vengeance lurks in the battered hearts of the boys themselves."