In the linked article in which he repeats the "Brexit fiasco" description, he says
I have accepted at Lord Lawsons suggestion an invitation to become a trustee of the Global Warming Policy Foundation, one of the very few organisations that has been challenging current orthodoxies, one which government and officials have been trying hard to ignore.
April 23, 2021
An article in the Global Warming Policy Forum written by research scientist Roy Spencer disputed the veracity of computer models predicting rising global temperatures. Arguing that: Just about every climate claim made by politicians, and even many vocal scientists, has been either an exaggeration or a lie, Spencer claimed that official climate models had been promoted for the purposes of implementing expensive, economically-damaging, and poverty-worsening energy policies.
Elsewhere in the article, Spencer wrote: It matters because there is no Climate Crisis. There is no Climate Emergency.
April 19, 2021
The Global Warming Policy Foundation published a press release criticising the governments decision to expand wind farm subsidies as part of a strategy to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050. The press release quoted the Foundations former Chairman Lord Lawson, who said: These multi-billion subsidies are not only a massive transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich, but are damaging the UK economy as a whole. This madness has to stop.
April 13, 2021
The Global Warming Policy Foundation published a paper written by Heartland Institute policy analyst and climate science denier William M. Briggs, which argued that existing models attributing incidents of extreme weather to human causes were inaccurate. He stated: Models have too much mean prediction error, and unknown but presumably large prediction error of extreme events. They are thus not trustworthy.
If you're going to call Brexit a fiasco despite being
instrumental in funding the Leave campaign in Northern Ireland and then a minister for Brexit, you may as well deny all kinds of basic reality, and get in with the lucrative UK PR arm of the fossil fuel climate denier industry.