Almost 4000 DIY, prepper and tech books posted to Internet Archive. Posted here for the "Tech Anarchist" category. [View all]
Scroll down the list for computer stuff.
A lot to learn even if you aren't a "Tech Anarchist"
They are viewable online or downloadable.
If the usual download options aren't available, the pdf viewer should offer a download arrow when you mouse over it.
Includes a lot of Linux guides and ethical hacking procedures, cryptography, networking.
Only a few looked shady, such as "Dependency Injection"
But I suppose, in that case "know your enemy" helps defend your systems.
Uploader posted on Hacker News:
I just had the occasion to set up a small seed box and to upload everything to the Internet Archive. This might be redundant for someone, anyway is 34GB of DIY, prepping and whatnot.
It should be browseable directly on site. Please note my seedbox is limited to 10MB/s to accommodate more users and to let me use internet too (lol). Seeders are welcomed, anyway the archive should be storing them in PDF and txt too.
One DU'er said the link failed. I just got one item not found, but most worked OK for me. Perhaps some items are being updated.