Open office, NeoOffice, Libre, or Microsoft orfice sweet? [View all]
Bad question, I know. In fact, I use pages often enough, and like it ease of use. My professional docs come out professional. But I also use(d) all of the others, and found each of them useful.
NeoOffice remains near and dear to me heart, if only because I grew as it did, by fits and starts. I would highly recommend the latest NO to anyone with a Mac.
Open Office was an ugly POS back in 2009. Useful, but . . . Weird. Now, it matches NO in performance. I can recommend it to people without hesitation.
One big surprise, one I learned about by accident was LIBRE. Kick ass suite, does windows, and all other formats, and is slick and bug free. Frankly, it is better than MS orfice for Mac. Far better. Between tasting the latest version of NeoOffice, and an occasional dip into OO, I find myself trends toward Libre as the fave word processor and office suite program.
Windows for Mac sucks. It is expensive, it has quirks, and it is not as smooth as Libre, NO or OO. Then there is the cost. Libre, OO, and NO are shareware, ie FREE. I do recommend that you donate something, just to keep the experts working on improvements. But Ms suite? Such much? No way.