I must commend Apple support [View all]
It took me daily persistence for about 10 days to get an appointment at the nearby Genius Bar regarding a battery that appeared to be in rigor mortis. When I finally got there, they had the line separated outside between GB appointments and purchasers. I was the only one in the repair line. There were guards there who took care of opening and closing the door. They didn't let me in until there was a person behind glass to help me, and there were impressive temporary walls set up around her. I could also see lots of Geniuses milling about behind her, of course wearing masks and staying six feet away from each other, to help people without my kind of problem. She told me my MacBook would first go to triage and I'd have it back within two weeks probably. I got a call the next morning (Saturday) saying I should have it back within the week--it would have to go offsite. I just got it back after THREE DAYS! I'm only using it for recreational purposes at this point, but it was a long three days with my ancient iPad. Thank you, Apple!