i think i may have solved my issue with sfari wantingto constanty pop up. [View all]
needed to activate macafee webadvisor.
so far now behaving like a good browser should .
here are the steps i leared and i thought id share these with others who are having the same issue .
Click the McAfee menulet in the menu bar (at the top of the screen near the clock) and select McAfee LiveSafe - Internet Security Console.
Click the Gear (settings) icon at the top right of McAfee console.
Click McAfee WebAdvisor:
Click the lock and type your administrator password if prompted.
Click the toggle to disable WebAdvisor:
Close the WebAdvisor window.
Open Safari, then click Safari, Preferences.
Click the Extensions tab.
Enable the McAfee WebAdvisor extension. This step allows Internet Security for Mac to correctly manage the extension:
Close the Extensions window
here is the link if u need it.
friend of mine found it . have a grand day and or nite .