..i'm now officially 'pretending'.. i'll even try to use capitals once in a while below.
Two parts (1) my guess, (2) request for more info ..
(1) my guess is you're pasted css into a WP page or post's HTML editor. CSS has to be treated separately, tho, since it's loaded before HTML (before JS, too). Wordpress 'has an app for that' as they say. Activate and use WP's official Jetpack > Custom CSS plugin. Here's a link for more info.. http://jetpack.me/support/custom-css/
So use that plugin for your custom css. Then you don't have to completely disable WP's templates.
If you have a whole CSS style you want to show off instead of one of WP's, you can do that too, but then you have to worry about How-To hook into WP's API. Better off reading up on Wordpress Child Themes. You can do a lot with a minimalist parent theme. Here's a link.. http://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes (pro tip: these actually work as advertised and you can do a lot with very little).
The idea is to separate the styles from the content so that styles aren't wiped out on updates. It centralizes it. Plus WP generates styles on the fly that you the developer may or may not choose to hook into. Check out the WP Codex for lots more info and tutorials.
(2) Here's how we do it on http://stackoverflow.com .. you paste some of your code here (don't worry about white space, that's just DU..) and we tell you what we think you did wrong. You don't have to paste it all. Just snippets that you think are worrisome with some explanation of exactly what you in as much detail as you feel is needed.
Good luck!