CNN Poll: Obama at 51% approval but lower on key issues [View all]
'CNN Poll: Obama at 51% approval but lower on key issues'
Fifty-one percent of people questioned in the survey say they approve of how Obama is handling his duties as president, with 47% saying they disapprove. The president's approval rating is up four points from last month, but below his 55% high this year, recorded in mid-January just before his second inauguration.
"Throughout his first term, President Obama's ratings were typically boosted by positive views of him as a person rather than his policies, and that dynamic seems to be still in force in his second term," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. "The change in Obama's approval rating comes among two key elements of his winning electorate coalition - women and younger Americans - suggesting that those old patterns are still in place."
So what's edged him out over the halfway point?
"The gain among people under 35 years old was a whopping 15 points, compared to no change at all in the middle age brackets and a seven-point drop among senior citizens, possibly fueled by concerns over Obama's proposed changes to Social Security," adds Holland. "Obama has also gained among moderates, while his high support among liberals and his low support among conservatives has remained unchanged."
This is one poll. But the 1012 adults questioned in this poll reflect reality at least several times more than anything on DU. And the vast majority of liberals support this president. There is much concern about his handling of the federal deficit (which would include the SS discussion) which was his lowest number at 38%.
But as the poll suggests, he has made tremendous inroads with women, with young people and his support among liberals is as high as its ever been and it was his strong support from liberals that inched him over the 50% mark. Only one president (Bill Clinton, another president with the honor of being despised by fringe elements of the Dem party) had higher numbers than Obama does now.
I think he's doing okay.