Poll: 33% of Kentucky voters approve of McConnell [View all]
Source: The Hill
Poll: 33% of Kentucky voters approve of McConnell
BY TAL AXELROD - 02/21/19 02:55 PM EST
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnells (R-Ky.) approval rating is underwater in Kentucky ahead of his reelection race next year, according to a new Public Policy Polling (PPP) survey released Thursday.
About 33 percent of registered Kentucky voters polled approve of the job McConnell is doing, while 56 percent disapprove and 11 percent are unsure. Additionally, 32 percent think McConnell deserves to be reelected, and 61 percent think its time for someone new.
The PPP poll was conducted on behalf of the Ditch Mitch Fund, an advocacy group that opposes McConnell. McConnells office did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Hill.
Despite low approval ratings, McConnell holds a razor-thin lead against a generic Democratic opponent. About 45 percent of Kentucky voters say they would vote for the Senate leader and 42 percent say they would support a Democratic opponent. About 12 percent are unsure.
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