The guys at the very top of the food chain know they can spend without fear of going broke. It's only those dependent on wages who don't understand this. If only the masses understood and acted as if they understood monetary sovereignty. The startling outcome would be revolution forcing Congress to legislate appropriations which fund public purpose. All anyone need do is Google "Monetary Sovereignty"...To wit;
"Incidence of monetary sovereignty:
Currently, nations such as the USA and Japan, which have autonomous central banks and borrow in their own currencies are said to exercise a high degree of monetary sovereignty. On the other hand, the European Union nations, have ceded much of their monetary sovereignty to the European Central Bank.
<b>Other monetarily non-sovereign entities</b>
There exist many monetarily non-sovereign entities: villages, cities, counties, states, businesses and individuals. None use their own sovereign currency, so having no sovereign they:
1. Do not have the unlimited ability to create their sovereign currency
2. Can run short of currency (unlike Monetarily Sovereign governments, which cannot run short of their sovereign currency)
3. Require income in order to pay their bills (unlike Monetarily Sovereign governments, which require no income). Thus, taxing, borrowing and austerity (deficit reduction) are not necessary, though for political reasons, a Monetarily Sovereign nation may borrow and levy taxes and enforce austerity."
The U.S. levies Federal taxes to manage inflation, income distribution and to force acceptance of fiat currency. It does not tax to then spend. Proof...
We can rant all we want about the Federal Government's spending Until we, as voters and tax payers force Congress to repeal debt ceiling legislation and regressive tax policy like the payroll tax we will always be at the dirty end of the legislative stick.