Momentum to Stop Defense Cuts Mounts [View all]
Momentum to Stop Defense Cuts Mounts
George Zornick on March 22, 2012 - 2:11 PM ET
At a press briefing this morning, House Speaker John Boehner made it official: Republicans in the lower chamber will advance a bill this year to undo automatic defense cuts that were a result of the super-committees failure to agree on a deficit reduction plan.
If the super-committee had not failed, there would only be one spending cap on all discretionary spending until 2021meaning that Congress could theoretically take all the money from domestic programs and leave the Pentagon untouched in order to stay under it. But as an incentive to get Republicans on the committee to work seriously towards a deal, failure meant a separate cap for defense spendingwhich guarantees steep reductions.
TPMs Brian Beutler quotes Boehner this morning pledging to undo that defense spending cap and citing presumed support from the White House:
We should never have had the sequester. I always thought that the Super Committee had a real chance to do good work, to produce savings so that the sequester wouldnt kick in. I think that the sequester will hurt our Department of Defense, will hurt our ability to do what Americans believe is our most basic responsibility, and thats to provide security for the American people. I believe that Secretary Panetta believes the same thing. And for that matter, I think the White House believes that the sequester is totally unacceptable. Thats why the House will act this spring to replace that [defense] sequester."
The Nation Story
All in favor of slashing the Defense budget as part of promoting "progressive values and fiscal responsibility," say AYE.