Why Obama Isnt Doing Better Despite All The Good Economic Numbers
A question is making the rounds of the left side of the internet: why isnt Obama doing better now that we have honest-to-God-no-fooling proof that the economy is on the uptick, a situation t...
ellisonz: The Obama campaign seems to largely be staffed by play-it-safe political professionals who wouldn't know how to relate to regular Americans if their hundred dollar ties attempted to strangle them.
Sadly, despite the honest-to-good attempts of progressive Democrats from before 2008 to force a progressive campaign agenda to the forefront these individuals seem to be running away from the landmark achievements of the Obama administration: health insurance reform, financial reform, and stimulus. Instead of trying to get a better performance from these hacks at rationalizing these numbers, a messy process that people won't understand, the campaign should simply be laying out the arithmetic without equivocation.
The Republican Party is bad for the business of America. The Democratic Party stands for what it has stood for since FDR, a government that works for all the people. If Republicans would get out of the way we would have the core economic reforms we so badly need in this country: fair trade regulation, infrastructure, education, and new opportunities.
Howard Dean was right.
My cousin: Yeah. Obama's campaign was staffed by geniuses until 10 days ago.
ellisonz: Geniuses like David Plouffe who blows the "are you better off question" and the tries to orchestrate a debate response strategy centered around the idea that Mitt Romney was "testy." If these are the best hacks money can buy, I hope they get a refund. It's a good thing Joe Biden doesn't give a damn what they want him to say. He just goes up to the mic and spits it: "Osama bin Laden is dead and General Motors is Alive," and let's not forget all the tap dancing on the gay marriage issue.
Voters don't care about reading the tea leaves of macro-economics. They want someone with balls. BTW - every single two-term president in US History except for Woodrow WIlson (3 way race in 1912) who won a second term had a greater margin of victory in the Electoral College in the second election. The campaign is not capitalizing effectively on the power of his incumbency, they're are running a safe campaign rather than a bold one. Where are the new economic proposals? Hold the course isn't a very captivating political message...