One of the reasons I wanted HER as My President. [View all]
I know that she knows, as a woman of her (many of our) generation, what all of this is like.
She knows what it's like to face discrimination, harassment, stereotypes, and worse.
She knows what it's like to be a mother, a wife, and a professional struggling for her own identity when it wasn't easy.
And I know she knows what it's like to be a young woman facing the abuse that was once common in every place we worked, on every street we walked, in every circumstance we found ourselves, anywhere.
I'm glad to see the prevalence of men's jerkitude gaining recognition. It's kind of a surprise to me that it's a surprise to anyone, yet kind of a surprise to realize that -- after all these years -- it's now talked about.
I hope I live to see the day when the entire continuum of sexism is on full display -- from harassment to assault; from sexism to misogyny; from subconscious prejudices to wide-awake choices. I want to see the biases laid out bare, for history to see, as to why such an extraordinary woman lost an election to such a disgusting man.
Even if another woman wins the presidency in my lifetime, I will mourn this loss; because there will not be another who has come through the decades I did. I looked up to her when she was criticized for her hair, her outspokenness, her commitment to her own career, her cookie-baking abilities...
I have no doubt she's had plenty of experience with abusive men while she fought the battles that paved the way for women to move forward in embracing power.
I wanted a woman of HER generation to be president. I wanted HER for reasons we see unfolding day after day, but especially when the politics of sexism rises up in the headlines. So many dots left unconnected.
History, at least, will tell the story of the social context we're living through, and HER place as a champion within it.