Jamaica's Political War
Ideological Battle Shapes Up in Jamaica Jamaican Political Scene: 'This Is War' Ideological Turmoil Mars Campaign
By Karen DeYoung
September 4, 1980 at 8:00 p.m. EDT
KINGSTON, Jamaica -- Only the sun and sand, the black faces and the lilting accents tell you this is not Beirut, San Salvador nor any one of a score of other unfriendly cities where families barricade themselves indoors after dark and citizens fight each other with the ferocity of warring guerrilla armies
According to Gary Webbs book,The Dark Alliance, Norman Descoteaux, the CIA station chief in Jamaica began a destabilization program of the Manley government in late 70s. Part of that plan was assassinations, money for the Jamaican Labour Party, labor unrest, bribery and shipping weapons to Manleys opponents, like Lester Jim Brown Coke.
The Netflix documentary about the attempted assassination of Bob Marley and how it was tied to the destabilization campaign.
I hope documents regarding the destabilizing campaign will be declassified at some point.
My parents left Jamaica because of the political violence. What I see happening in Haiti, reminds me of my childhood. There were days my mom kept me home from school because she was so scared. I was scared walking home from school.