Zamora is a symbol of the persecution against journalists in Guatemala and the region
Written by
Prensa Comunitaria
Translated by
Melissa Vida
Translation posted 17 May 2024 10:49 GMT
This story was written by Simón Antonio Ramón in Prensa Comunitaria on May 14, 2024. An edited version is republished in Global Voices under a media agreement.
The Board of Trustees of the foundation created by the late journalist, writer and Nobel prize winner, Gabriel García Márquez, awarded the Gabo 2024 Awards for Excellence in Journalism to Guatemalan journalist Jose Rubén Zamora Marroquín.
The 13 journalists, writers and scholars on the Gabo Foundation's Board recognized Zamora as the paradigm of an investigative journalist and possibly the ultimate symbol of the fight against corruption in Latin American journalism.
The decision was also taken in virtue of his more than three decades of tenacious and courageous professional work whose driving force has been to unveil the corruption and human rights abuses that have plagued Guatemala, for which he has been imprisoned for the past year and eight months, according to the Foundation's minutes.
This recognition we give today to Jose Rubén Zamora extends far beyond him as an individual. He symbolizes the critical juncture facing the democracies of Guatemala and other Latin American countries, the Gabo Foundation's Board of Trustees said.