Guatemala: Court decision for Zamoras release to house arrest a welcome step, but the urgent need remains for reciprocal decisions in two other cases against him
Christian Gutiérrez/AgenciaOcote
The decision of Guatemalas Ninth Criminal Court to grant elPeriódico publisher Jose Rubén Zamora's request for substitutive measures is an important and positive step, but reciprocal decisions are needed in two other cases against him to allow for his release from prison. Reporters Without Borders (RSF) welcomes the ruling and underscores the urgent need for rapid judicial action to allow for Zamoras release without further delay.
On 15 May, Guatemalas Ninth Criminal Court ordered the release of publisher Jose Rubén Zamora, detained for nearly two years on money-laundering charges. The three judges ruled unanimously that there was no longer justification to keep Zamora in jail, noting that there was no risk of absconding and that he was not considered a threat to the investigation. The court decision stipulates that the elPeriódico newspaper founder should be released to house arrest while the case against him is ongoing. It requires Zamora to appear before the Public Prosecutor's Office once a month and prohibits him from leaving the country.
However, due to two other ongoing cases against Zamora, which have been systematically postponed on several occasions over the past year, he must remain detained until reciprocal decisions are reached in the other cases.
"We welcome the court's decision in favour of Jose Rubén Zamora, which serves as a first step towards redressing the injustice that put him behind bars. However, it is imperative that this decision is not undermined by further inexplicable court delays, as we have seen so many times over the past year in other spurious cases against Zamora. Each day that he now remains detained is a further injustice. The world will be carefully watching the next steps of the Guatemalan judiciary".
Artur Romeu
Director of RSF's Latin America Office
The court decision followed the announcement on 14 May that Zamora had won the prestigious 2024 Gabo Award for Excellence for his more than three decades of tenacious and courageous professional work dedicated to uncovering the corruption and human rights abuses that have plagued Guatemala. Speaking at a media briefing in London organised by RSF that same day, Zamoras son, Jose Carlos Zamora, highlighted the urgent need for sustained international attention to his fathers case while the judicial processes continue in Guatemala.