Good article on future SOS Kerry and US - Africa relations [View all]
Updated OP. Hat tip to Basic Black Now via EBONY magazine.
For Kerry, the nomination to Secretary of State is an appointment that culminates a career of service most recently as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Kerry has been a key supporter of the Obama Administrations foreign policy often emphasizing its strengths. But its the weak points in the administrations record, notably in US relations with Africa, where Kerrys diplomacy may prove to be the most needed.
During President Obamas first term, the US has sought to address growth and conflict in Africa and has struggled to find policy answers to both. From the major economic growth on the continent to the destabilization of safe states like Mali and Nigeria, the United States has found itself in a new, complex chapter of Africas history.
In a recent Senate report, Kerry made the case for stricter human rights standards in conditions for US economic assistance. As Secretary of State, Kerrys emphasis on consistency in policy would send the right message to the leaders and people of sub Saharan Africa and within the US foreign service.
As important as its response to Africas conflicts will be the US response to Africas growth. With a forecasted growth rate of 6 percent per year, Africa is the worlds second fastest region behind Asia. Of the worlds ten fastest growing economies, seven of them are African countries. With its growing consumer markets, growing labor force and natural resources, Africa has seen a boom in foreign investment and economists predict the continent will have a $2.6 trillion combined GDP by 2020.
As a supporter of extending the African Growth and Opportunity Act, Kerry was part of the effort to provide 200,000 African workers with jobs. As Secretary of State, Kerrys main challenge will be seeing beyond Foggy Bottoms penchant for viewing Africa through a humanitarian lens to seeing it as a major economic partner.
Addressing Africas growth as well as its conflicts could be a chance for the US to turn the page in its dealing on the continent. While he may not be the nominee that some progressives hoped for, Kerry could be the quiet diplomat that US relations with Africa needs.