Some of the groups quoted here as saying Kerry is a good choice had been supporting Susan Rice previously because they thought Kerry would be too even-handed. Of course, now that the choice is made and Kerry is going to be confirmed, they say they support him. Of course, I am sure that groups like J Street are happy about this, but their perspective on the Middle East is probably closer to Kerry's than let's say AIPAC.
Hagel is not antisemitic. Only in the US can somebody be called antisemitic because he says he supports the USA first What I find strange is that Hagel's opinions are a lot more pro-Israel than those of Laurent Fabius, the French foreign minister that happens to be Jewish. This said, there are many reasons to oppose Hagel, and it is probably why he will not be nominated and confirmed. Given that the SecDef is the boss of the entire military and that he will lead an organization that will be important to many straight and gay families, his views on social issues are very relevant and not really reassuring. That it took him up to a few days ago to state he supported what he calls "open" military is bothering, coming from somebody who is in the government circles. I have never heard him talk about the epidemic of rapes in the military. I doubt he will find support on our side if it comes to that, but if Obama nominates it, I hope the questions will not focus on whether he is antisemitic or not, but deal on his views of the social issues in the military.
I am not familiar enough with the other names to know if I would be like other potential nominees, but we could hope there are Democrats with decent views on these issues that Obama can nominate.
NOTE: obviously, I do not disagree with the good things said about Kerry. I have just a hard time with the rethoric of this article. The main reason I trust Kerry as SoS (and it was the same one that led me to consider for a time that Hagel was a good choice, even if I have changed my mind) is that I am sure he will be reticent to start wars before it is not absolutely necessary,.