Did Hagel and Kerry scotch the Syrian regime change operation? [View all]
If so that was some fast footwork. Translated from French:
John Kerrys murky game
by Thierry Meyssan
Voltaire Network | Damascus (Syria) | 10 March 2013
While the Syrian Arab army has lost Rakka, leaving de facto a northern part of the country under Turkish control, the United States has been sending contradictory signals. Have they have chosen to continue the war by proxy or are they gearing up to impose on their allies the peace agreement they have negotiated with the Russians?
At a joint press conference with his Saudi counterpart, John Kerry twice repeated the US commitment to a "peaceful solution" in Syria. But two minutes later, he approved the sending of Saudi Arabian arms to the Syrian "moderate" opposition. Kerry reiterated these contradictions during his visit to Qatar.
Ehud Barak was received at the Pentagon by his U.S. counterpart, Chuck Hagel, with whom he has developed a good relationship in the past. The Israeli obtained that U.S. aid (about $ 3 billion annually) not be affected by budget cuts. In return, he ceded over Syria. In the Department of Defense press release, it is clear that the two sides discussed issues of common security "including the need for the Syrian regime to maintain its control over its chemical and biological weapons; the leaders committed to continue planning emergency measures to counter this potential threat. "
In other words, Washington and Tel Aviv are no longer considering "regime change" in Damascus, and agreed to help the Syrian Arab army maintain control of its chemical and biological weapons in the event of jihadists attacks.