skin. It most definately does not attack either teen girls or seven year olds. I also think that - many young teen are very sensitive. I know I was and my three brilliant, capable daughters were. I know I parsed any comment people made to me - worrying that it was meant in the worst way. I would obsess over comments .. casually made long after the person who said them likely remembered them. As to my daughters, let's just say that my husband and I walked on egg shells for nearly a decade trying to avoid saying anything that they could take negatively --and still had times when we later learned that they were upset about something said.
That said, there is no way to have watched Kerry with his daughters, step sons and their grandkids and not seen that he loves them and is a very kind, loving parent and grandparent. There is no need to explain or apologize for a comment that at best is - in Obama's words - inartful.
You also miss that on some issues, Kerry was far better than his peers. One example was seen in his interview with Ari Melber. Melber played CSPAN footage of a 1991 Kerry speaking about the problems with the way a nearly all male Senate treated Anita Hill. Melber than played a small segment of Biden chairing the committee and asked for a comment. Kerry skillfully avoided responding saying he would need the full contest -- though he likely remembered that Biden did a terrible job. (Another example would be that Kerry spoke strongly against DOMA and was the only Senator up for election who voted against it.)
He IS on the respect level of Gore and Biden -- and that is obvious in the comments and reactions that people have to him. There are several things that he will always have as things he accomplished that were important to the world. In spite of Trump, the Paris Accord still is a turning point where the world started to make progress on climate change. In addition, he very likely (with Obama) avoided a war with Iran, which is bigger than Iraq. Add that he led on ending the Vietnam War and, in its wake, helping the US be more cautious in entering wars. It likely meant a HUGE amount to Kerry when Pope Francis referred to him as the "ambassador of peace and spoke of praying for him as he traveled as Secretary. Additionally, in his last months as secretary, he was given high honors from France, Germany and the UK for work he had done.
He will not have the level of respect that Obama gets because Obama is a very respected President. He probably, on balance gets more respect than Clinton (but less attention), who while he was President, also has part of his reputation that will always be colored by negative things. As to Hillary, there was MORE negativity to many of her comments on her book tour than there has been on Kerry's. I don't recall you picking the worst comments she made and being a concern troll. (In fact, this is the ONLY think anyone not on the right has had a problem with.) If you really wanted, I could list far worse things said by EVERY one of the people mentioned.
As to his book, it is an incredible view of the last 50 or so years from someone lucky to have had a front row seat through many important. He is an American hero - in Vietnam, as a protestor and as probably the best Secretary of State in at least 50 years.