I saw Trump's tweet from the middle of the night:
and another where he claims not to know McGurk, who was our person coordinating with the 79 nation Anti ISIS coalition.
Maybe if he followed what was happening enough to know who the US had leading on this, he might know that though we have regained most of the territory ISIS claimed, there are still things the coalition needs to do. I found this New Yorker article that shows how even on the anti ISIS front, our military was NOT the one on the ground. Only 4 US troops were killed in the effort.
So, Trump is claiming HE decimated ISIS, the threat from ISIS is over, and he should be treated as a hero. Yet, he obviously had little real impact personally -- given that he doesn't know who McGurk is! Pulling this effort together - and doing it quickly - was a big success for Obama and Kerry. I also saw so many echoes of the SFRC hearings on Afghanistan on the need to create good governence as well as military strength in order to be able to "keep" the areas won at great cost.
By the way, there was a link on twitter for Kerry's book event in Ketchum. It is interesting. He starts by complaining that with his kids and pals right in the front ... he would not get away with anything.