Kerry's interview on OTR/Channel 5 [View all]
I assume it will air Sunday morning.
I did not post the part concerning Edward. This makes me sick to read about it all the time.
I wonder if they ever came to everything substantial. It seems that, except JP Morgan, everything was just the latest topic of the day (Cherockee heritage, gay marriage, Edwards, Sos,...) When will the media focus on the real issues that impact people.
I also expect that the "would likely endorse her after the primary" is there to give the impression that the primary is not already finished, not that he could endorse Brown.
The senior senator from Massachusetts also predicted the losses at JP Morgan Chase will reach $5 billion and that average voters will be convinced of the need to strengthen the Volcker rule to stop investment houses from trading their personal assets.
When asked about the Massachusetts Senate race between Republican Sen. Scott Brown and Democrat Elizabeth Warren, Kerry refrained from criticizing his colleague, but he would likely endorse her after the primary.
The senator did label the ongoing controversy about her claims of Cherokee heritage to be a "fictitious" issue and "that's not what this race is about."
He also said he does not believe gay marriage will be important in the presidential race, but that jobs and the economy will be the defining issues.