and asked where his money thingy was for his campaign. Told him I couldn't spare much, but if he didn't run, please don't give my bucks to HC.
One thing he never had, and never needed, because his personality did not require it, combativeness. He reeks of kindness, sincerety and good will to everyone, poor, sick and even the rich.
I saw him watching Obama during the SOTU and he listened to every word, some of which he was familiar with the topic, and some he seemed he was learning for the first time. No sign of competiveness or jealousy, just admiration and respect. Yes, he does have the President's back...
He needs to have courage that was not required by his very nature to be successful, and watching Obama take risky plunges that seem to work out okay or better has been the experience he's needed. He's had a master to follow in taking risks.
I don't think I'm good enough to be one of his supporters, but I was, am and will be as far as I can see.
Get in there Joe and start making money. Lots of gray-haired old ladies like me love to see you treating us like queens and all children like their grandad..