I was laying out my clothes for a funeral which took place the next morning - I had the tv on and saw the 2nd of 2 planes hit the towers. Went to the church and that's all everyone was talking about. Poor Ann, my sister, got no attention laying there in her coffin.
The night before, Joe Biden was on. For another thing, if there was a psychic or whatever he was, I would have changed the channel. I liked Biden and that's why he was on.
I'm not sure if he was on the whole hour, or the major part of the the hour, but I sat on the edge of my couch listening to him and his concern about us not being prepared for a terrorist strike, and he mentioned several methods, (not planes)...
This is so intertwined with the funeral that there is no way it was any other day.
Somebody may have wanted to protect Bush and scrubbed it.
I did post this years ago, and someone in DU had a transcript of the program and posted it. I've had computer crashes since then and all stuff was lost. I wasn't a member till 2006, and even then, remembered THAT program. Somebody has friends in high places. Biden him self must have a file of his TV appearances.
But thank you for posting the Edwards things. It was not on...