Men's Group
In reply to the discussion: International Day for the Elimination of Violence against men [View all]6502
(256 posts)You see, a RW would just tell you that you're wrong and be completely impervious to real facts and data and successful peer reviewed research positions. (You know... like how Global Warming Deniers and Science Deniers do in the US).
But you see, you're lucky. I'm a total Liberal.
So, I don't believe your right...
... but the BIG difference is that because I am a Liberal, I will consider new information and make a determination of the presented information matches the position presented by the speaker... and then on top of that, it the position is valid at all.
You see how you're lucky?
Now, I'm going to make it clear: I think you've at best fallen for some made up stuff... or you're in denial of real issues with being a man. You might be confused.
A significant piece of evidence is not the math you present in your comment --- I find it dubious, but I am willing to see the source of your math... and how you applied it.
But really important is in the OP: The OP indicates that it is men who mostly die in wars... but says this without pointing out that virtually all wars in history are started by men.
Heck, that's like saying that most men die in bar fights, therefore we are oppressed or something.
The problem is that it's not like there are women who give the order and tells the fellows to beat each other up over one's choice of football team, is it?
No... it isn't.
But... I'm a Liberal.
So, I willing to see your evidence.
A typical Liberal is not impressed by any fancy math or contortions with numbers that have no references and nothing peer reviewed by respected educational institutions.
So... please come back with references.
Not just me... but we (everyone else that will see this thread) are all waiting.