Men's Group
In reply to the discussion: Why do we teach girls that they lose something with sex and men that they gain something? [View all]Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)I suspect it has roots in biology, since sex is an activity which tends towards broader, long-term consequences for the female. It is in the male's evolutionary interest to mate frequently, with multiple partners, it is in the female's interest to be more selective with partners and to choose a partner with long-term support potential.
That is NOT to say, for instance, that there haven't been other evolutionary pressures towards pair-bonding, for instance, or for males to stick around and nurture their offspring. As well, there are evolutionary pressures for women to bond with the stable provider and mate with the good-looking mailman. These have borne themselves out and manifested through history in a variety of ways and I am similarly NOT saying that they are justification for these backwards attitudes.
Sort of like how just because primates have a tendency to throw shit at each other, doesn't mean it's an appropriate behavior today.
I find the whole propreitary attitude towards womens' sexuality, as well as the shaming aspect of women who enjoy sex as much as men are 'supposed' to, nauseating and backwards. It's like the "purity ball" mentality, like I said.
But it's also interesting to note that women seem, more often than not, to be the gatekeepers of social sexual rule-enforcement. You'll note that it's more often than not, for instance, teenage girls who engage in the most vicious forms of 'slut-shaming' of other girls. Getting back to your notion of sex as currency, I've stated before that I think there is something hard-wired in some women pertaining to maintaining, lowering or limiting the general sexual availability in the group. The idea being to keep the men horny and the "value" of sex high.
Of course, these hard-wired primate behaviors evolved in small hunter-gatherer groups, and become absurd in a modern, free technological society where the possibility of women to control other women is drastically reduced. But we see its expression in the moral panic Dworkinite freak-outs some small groups of women have over porn. One would ask, honestly, why they care so much, why they're threatened by consenting adults getting off to pictures of other consenting adults having consenting adult sex. The answer is, they're hard-wired to try to control the sexual behavior of women and the sexual outlets of men, and confronted with a modern, media-rich environment, their shit goes completely fucking haywire.
It explains alot.