remember that we're not talking about "women" here, but a small subset of shrews who seem to think they speak for all women and spend their time ranting and alerting here rather then spending time at the shelters or anything else that might actually help women in peril. Everything is sexist, misogynistic, or whatever new buzzword they find unless it fits into the tight quidelines that change every time we get close.
Notice the same names pop up in these threads, but few of them talk of solutions or actions-- just how wrong we are. Then you got the guys in the threads who chime in with support. I remember guys like this in real life who were trying to get laid pretending to be "male feminists." It never worked-- seems most women don't want men to be their buddies in the cause, they got other women for that, but want us for what they've always wanted us for. (You can fill in the blanks on that)
Notice also women who appear occasionally who do mention their rape experiences, but don't want to talk much about it here because the atmosphere is poisoned. And note that they often say it's poisoned by the shrews as much as it is by "rape apologists." Maybe moreso because they can dismiss the random pigs, but are shocked by women who are supposed to be on their side.
At a certain point empathy is ridiculous. None of us can really understand what happens to a woman when she is sexually attacked. We know it's bad, but every woman handles it differently and we just can't know what's really going on inside her no matter how well we think we know her. Our job isn't empathy, but sympathy and support, and pretty much on her terms.
In more celebratory times, women walk around for most of a year with a baby growing inside them, give birth, and nurse the kid for months, maybe years. Any guys out there want to take a stab at describing that experience? Then don't "explain" rape.