I don't know that much about the organization in question. Perhaps they are right wing assholes, but I just can't get there from what the alerter posted.
The alerter trashed them for being at odds with NOW, which does not speak for the left wing, so I'm not sure how being at odds with them makes F&F right wing. The subject of PAS is far from being decided. It was discussed by this group here:
I posted a very revealing insight into the anti-PAS smear campaign, seemingly headed by NOW here:
So the first two charges made by the alerter don't seem to hold much water.
The alerter lists a lot of information about Glenn Sacks, who was never a founder of F&F nor is he currently leading the organization. He is listed as a former director on the organization's web site. The wiki article on him says nothing about him being right wing. He may be frequently quoted by sources who are right wing, but he's also quoted by many who definitely aren't. The case on him being "right wing" seems to be pretty weak and made almost exclusively in guilt by association examples or his opposition to a few things supported by NOW. Even if one could make this case (and I'm not sure it can be made), it still only amounts to a guilt by association in regards to F&F.
The final link is very telling if you care to dig into it very deeply. The writer of the article (which gives all the appearances of one-sidedness and bias) never suggests that F&F is a right wing organization. The Massachusetts bill it talks about (but mysteriously doesn't name) that is supported by F&F was authored by a Democrat and most of its co-sponsors are Democrats: