Transparency and Sunlight are the worst enemy of the repeat disruptor, disingenuous game-player, and troll.
One, the bloggers over at radfem hub- with which the FCM blog is intimately affiliated, are a very small, insular group. Members, in particular one of the members commenting in the comment thread linked above, have repeatedly admitted in their own blog to a particular obsession with trolling DU, repeatedly coming back under a series of usernames, despite being banned "so many times" for things like transphobic bigotry. Which, again, is a theme over at radfem hub, the affiliated FCM blog, etc.
Upon returning, that same repeat disruptor has been repeatedly protected and defended by several members of this site, even after those members have been informed of their identity and after they have made additional bigoted comments. This, again, is all part of the record.
The FCM blog, along with the comments in the OP, was linked to on DU. It wasn't just the comments, but the post itself that contained seriously objectionable material. It was locked after the material was pointed out, however the history around the blog and its affiliates has been well known, as they were a source of MAJOR disruption, explored in detail in meta. It is also worth n the offending comments were not some random outlier- instead, they were echoed and commented upon ("interesting" by the blogger in question. And nowhere in that comment thread, nor in the prior discussions on the "idea", did ANYONE go "holy fuck, that's some sick shit, what are you thinking, barf!" --- but, rather, there was some sad grousing that such "important proposals" couldn't be discussed because they were considered by the less-enlightened to be "controversial", sigh.