"If you are a woman, then you are beautiful." [View all]
It's not that I disagree, but what is it with that?
What if the same was said about "men"?
Yeah, yeah, I know... it doesn't NEED to be said because the burden of being looked at and appraised is all on women! So they need to be reassured of their beauty. So beauty is not important, but it is! But only inner beauty and all woman are beautiful. Because the message from the oppressive patriarchy must be countered!
...or something.
The semi-famous Dove Beauty Bar commercial (brought to you by the same folks that sell Axe Deoderant Spray as the way for men to have women (finally) make the moves on them...) is nothing more than an good commercial that purchases brand loyalty with Oprah-style feel goodiness.
But it does beg some questions... Are indeed ALL women beautiful? Why do they need to be told so and to feel so? Do all men demand that they be viewed as handsome? Where are the messages of self-confidence and self-love for men from the great Patriarchal oppressor?
If indeed all humans are the same in their basic emotional needs, where precisely is all the self-coddling that men get? Where is their "All men are beautiful" message.
It is ironic to see that in HOF, in the thread about this subject, there is a person who actually throws out "Men always think they are more attractive than they are" -AND IS UNAWARE OF THE HYPOCRISY AND IRONY. She wants to make men know how unattractive they are while at the same time acknowledging that all women should understand how beautiful THEY are.
Boy men suck. They are ugly inside and out. They oppress women. And they have no emotional needs.
They really should just change the name of that forum because it's relationship to Feminism as a political goal is very much an afterthought to the true goal of tearing and ripping at men for what they have done to them.
Alert away. I call it like I see it.