10 Reasons to Avoid (Delay) Retirement [View all]
Full article: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/10-reasons-avoid-retirement-141326876.html
Some good reasons why retiring at 55 or 62--or, hell, even 67--may not be the best idea (assuming it's even possible). Here are a few of the reasons why retiring later might be a good idea:
* You need the money (duh)
* You like your job
* You want to keep the same standard of living
Your health. Continuing to work could have a positive impact on your health. A recent study of about 429,000 self-employed workers in France by the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research, found people who retire later have a lower risk of developing dementia. "For each extra year of work before retirement, it lowers the risk of getting dementia by 3.2 percent," says Carole Dufouil, a director of research at the institute. "This is in line with the 'use it or lose it' hypothesis, which says that as long as you use your brain, it is efficient."
* Workplace benefits
* Defer taxes a bit longer
Bigger Social Security checks. You get bigger Social Security benefits if you delay claiming your payments between ages 62 and 70. For example, a baby boomer who could get $750 per month at age 62 would get $1,000 per month at age 66 and $1,320 monthly at age 70. After age 70, there is no additional benefit to delaying your payments. Social Security benefits are calculated based on your 35 highest-earning years in the workforce. So, if you earn more than you did earlier in your career, you could further boost your payments.
Retirement age is about two decades away for me. I imagine I will want to keep working for the social aspect.
Have you delayed retirement? Or are you planning to? Is/was it for any of the reasons listed here?