So could my parents and aunts and brothers. My parents read to me from the time I was a baby and I did the same with my kids. I was "taught" to read in first grade but was bored so I read the notes to teachers in our reading lessons.
I was shocked when my oldest was still really struggling to read at 6. She knew the letters of the alphabet at 2 from Sesame Street, but couldn't read words at all. I had her tested and learned she was dyslexic.
She started to actually read at 9. I wasn't shocked to find out her younger sister was also dyslexic. She really struggled to read until about 10.
Both are slower readers than I am, but they both graduated from university with much higher grades (and more degrees) than I did. They're really smart and even read for pleasure but they did have a rough start.
I was told that early reading is genetic; I didn't learn from phonics, I learned words by their shapes. I'm good at spelling but if I don't know the word well I have to write it to see it.
Anyway people are different.