the need to communicate with family and how phones are a lifeline in emergencies. Sorry you and your son went through that active shooter experience, what a scare.
I think school staff realize the importance of emergencies, and would provide kids with the SAME school phone and phone number, every day, for them and their parents to rely on. The article didn't go into this but it's common sense.
Having a 2nd, alternate phone number is somewhat a hassle, but maybe worth it in terms of reducing class disruption, stress and loss of learning from excessive smartphone use.
Parents unable to get through to schools by phone is really bad. Maybe it's due to staff shortages and overwork but it's critical and needs fixing. Thanks for replying.
- Excerpt
.. Instead, the school gave everyone on campus including staff a Light Phone, that is, a dumb phone with limited functionality.
The devices can make calls, send texts (slowly) and cant load modern applications; instead coming with deliberately cumbersome versions of music and mapping apps..