Honestly, I'm tired of seeing these puff pieces about a single wonderful school, in an urban system, while we are not told about the REST OF the schools in that same system and state that don't provide the same opportunities to their students.
I love and respect Deborah Meier. As soon as I saw her name I knew this was a terrific institution of learning.
We did this in my school district. We had several wonderful theme oriented schools that focused on project based learning. We no longer have them because the rest of the school districts in the state screamed loudly that it was not fair, our district was robbing the rest of the schools in the state of resources they needed. A court case resulted, we won, but eventually the state fulfilled its obligations and we were left with successful programs we could no longer afford to operate.
Let's do this for ALL of our kids. Education is supposed to be democratic. But until we convince our state legislatures and voters that our kids deserve schools like this and they are worth every penny we put into them, we won't be able to accomplish this goal.
Sadly, it's ALWAYS about the money.