Chicago: After Month Without Yellow Line, News Gets Worse in Skokie [View all]

June 20--Yellow Line trains have not rolled along Skokie's tracks for more than a month now, a closure that commuters will have to deal with into the fall after the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District announced Friday that service would not be restored until October.
The Yellow Line was shut down May 17, when the ground collapsed underneath tracks between Howard and Oakton streets across from McCormick Boulevard. CTA officials said the collapse took place during a construction project undertaken by the district and performed by Walsh Construction. No one was hurt.
Much of the past month was spent assessing the problem and determining the best way to tackle it, according to a release from the water district.
"This was the plan we accepted to restore service as quickly as possible while maintaining safety as the top priority," said CTA spokesman Jeff Tolman, referring to the repair timeline.
Many Yellow Line commuters said they were feeling the impact after only a month without service, and now they have months more to wait. ................(more)