"So this "two-state solution" is code for neocolonialism, right?" [View all]
"It would be helpful to clarify what the Palestinians are really being offered as part of this much-lauded solution to the conflict in Israel-Palestine."
That is the title and subtitle to this opinion article that poses interesting aspects to ponder about the drawing of borders, who draws them, sometimes what results from it and other matters. I find some of it to be inflammatory in choice of words but I'm looking past that to the larger discussion points made by the writer. I think he rightly points out that things can be way more complicated than just drawing a border, propping up some appointed people to be in charge and then riding herd so to speak.
As he references, for African nations for example trying to emerge from a colonial past that is not that distant, the reality of having your "nation" can still be one of heavy controlling influences from outside your borders and they may well include your past colonial masters. So is it important, as I believe it is and this writer points out, that we in the world outside of these troubled geographic regions in the Middle East not make the mistake of thinking that all we need are borders, a label of "country" and to install a chosen "Karzai"? Will we end up creating the scenario of degrees of subservience and outside control that the writer brings up? How do we get to a point where what happens is what the average Palestinian worker or farmer wants and not what some of the past colonial powers and neighboring countries deem will now be what happens?
There is much to think about beyond just a basic phrase "two-state solution" and while the title of the opinion piece may be provocative I think it is correctly phrased for the purposes of bringing about discussion of the complications that exist when engaging in these matters. I have bounced back and forth over this through the years even to the point of thinking a solution should be imposed by international forces. If so, what then of the matters the writer brings out? Would it be "colonialism by international fiat"? The old phrase "nothing is as simple as it seems" is most appropriate here.