Everything is politics ........
Right now Bibi is ahead in the polls again .
The Centralists have either Yair Lapid or Benny Gantz and neither of them are doing well
right now .
Read this : https://archive.md/ni0j1
Is that really why Gantz is opposed to resettlement in Gaza? Because of the draft exemption laws? I refuse to believe that, even if those responsible for the opinions of the political center told him that's what he should say. As though, as far as we're all concerned, if tomorrow 100,000 yeshiva students remove their white shirts and form three new IDF divisions, it's a good idea to rebuild the Netzarim settlement in the Strip? Is that his worldview? Is his perspective really that narrow?
Does he genuinely believe that if Netanyahu says he "doesn't intend to allow any resettlement in Gaza," then that's it, the prime minister won't allow it? As though any of the messianists are asking Netanyahu, or if Netanyahu's word has any value or meaning anyway. Today he won't allow it; tomorrow, it will depend on what his political interests are
The Left are on the margins but so are the messianic madmen that dream of returning to Gush Katif .
See :
Thats the politics .
The reality is the secular / religious divide ......soon as this war is over sit back stock up on popcorn and
watch it implode .