could end up leading OPEC, or at least some of them, to massive production cuts and possibly embargo. While our domestic production in the US would greatly alleviate potential supply problems, so no gas lines like 1973-74, but even just a deep cut of production from the bigger Middle East OPEC nations would skyrocket the oil market and domestic fuels pricing here in the US would respond as well. It would be a fairly simple matter for gas prices to go to $6 per gallon and more in a short time.
The 1973 embargo had huge impact even though it only lasted a few months. There were deep economic impacts with the era of higher energy costs like bankruptcies, shifts of industrial production to areas with lower total operating energy costs and in transportation it caused a massive shift to energy efficient vehicles, which is good in result but extremely painful and disruptive in being brought about in this way.
But the likelihood that MBS will react to being "backstabbed" in as aggressive a manner as Faisal did when Nixon did it to him is not a certainty. MBS strikes me as someone who is going to react to things like that on a more "personal" level in response and if he felt the US President-elect had wronged him he might make reprisals against business interests and personnel.
We just don't know for sure and there are many possible responses by a snake like MBS. It depends somewhat also on any internal threats to his leadership and whether he would be seen as "weakened" if he doesn't respond in some way. That could push the severity of his response as well.