's Richard Gage responds to those who opposed the AIA WTC 7 resolution [View all]
Richard Gage, AIA, founder and CEO of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, sits down with Andy Steele to discuss the recent AIA resolution vote regarding WTC 7 and responds to the objections of those who spoke out in opposition of the resolution before the vote was taken.
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This show was broadcast on May 28, 2015
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From the interview: Richard Gage AE911Truth Lecture at Delft University of Technology NL. April 16 2015 (during his "vacation"
Published on Apr 17, 2015
Richard Gage of Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth is touring Europe shortly and will visit Delft, to talk about the collapse of three high rise buildings in New York on the fateful morning of 9/11, killing almost three thousand people.
More than 2300 international Architects and Engineers question the official explanation on how these buildings were able to collapse on their respective footprints. They demand, on behalf of the American People, a truly independent investigation on the 9/11 events, specifically into the collapse of WTC Building 7.
Gages tour includes lectures and debates in Reykjavík (University), Berlijn, Kopenhagen, London (RIBA), Totnes, Plymouth (University), Bristol (University), Bloomsbury, Newbury, Frome, Brussel (Cultureel Centrum), Parijs, Grenoble, Lausanne, Rome, Wenen en Boedapest.
The April 16th lecture and debate at 8.00 pm includes a lecture by Richard Gage followed by a panel discussion with students and staff of TU Delft and Q&A with the audience and panel