Creative Speculation
In reply to the discussion: 9/11 BOMBS in Tower Core When 1st Plane Hit [View all]dougolat
(716 posts)A look in the mirror is called for: Why then do the bulk of your attacks and derision consist largely of appeals to numbers? The authority of mass opinion? Aren't you pointing to the weakness in your stance?
Churchill said:
"The truth is incontrovertible,
malice may attack it,
ignorance may deride it,
but in the end,
there it is."
Perhaps you noticed that, years later, the Gulf of Tonkin incident, and thus the Congressional Resolution, was proven to be a fabrication, a lie, a manipulation?
Likewise, the stampede to invade Iraq is found to be profoundly deceitful.
Even the King family's 1999 court case established the misleading nature of THAT 'Official Story'
In each of these cases, and the others that may come to mind, were there any major repercussions? Hardly; some of us re-evaluate, but the lies still reverberate, and the liars still badger us with opinions and recommendations, the war-machine's media still peddle their spin, and the PNAC/Pentagon conspiracy to take down 7 countries in 5 years still staggers on, zombie-like, even tho it's morphed into '12 years, 5 down, 2 to go.'
Ever examine 'Rebuilding America's Defenses in the 21st Century'? It reads, in part, like a prospectus for investment in "defense", and those who took it as such were richly rewarded. That's one bunch of rich and powerful people with a strong disincentive to question the validity of their 'winnings'.
It's ironic that we are all, by virtue of decades of police-procedural tv entertainment, somewhat sophisticated in matters in which the first blush slam-dunk conclusion is contradicted by examination of the evidence (you know, "the victim didn't drown! He was dead before immersion", "the security camera shows he did leave before the victim arrived, and look who else showed up!', "lots of blood from somebody else here." etc. etc.) so it's a wonder that people cling so stubbornly to the first story that comes from the corporate teleprompter news (noose!).
Consider: if the official story were true, where's the problem? The airport cameras show the '19 hijackers' boarding, and the passenger manifests list them, too. There would be a believable scenario for the cockpit take-overs. The dozens of war "exercises" would be an open book. There would be a wealth of videos of the Pentagon. There would be identifiable plane parts galore.The eager testimonies provided to the 911 Commission would not be 'classified" and/or discarded (Sibel Edmonds, for instance). There would be no deep, dark secret about Urban Moving Systems and what happened to their employees who were arrested on King St. or at the bridge and tunnels (with explosives, no less!). Would there still be a problem with illegal, super secret U.S.military anthrax used to push hysteria and the ready Patriot Act? Would NIST still need to torture computer models in secret just to come up with the START of collapse, failing to address the REST of the destruction through the really, really strong lower floors? And what about the hot spots, with higher temperatures than office fires and lasting to Dec.?
But that's not the case, there are problems with the OCT to the horizon, and those who defend it with vehemence and conviction that is unjustified are highly suspect, even if most of their "arguments" are juvenile name-calling, snark, and "give up! nobody is listening" and "you're all alone".
Every year people who lived through that traumatic day and it's programming, that they cling to so fiercely, are passing on, replaced by those born after the event and may well be more objective and less prone to being herded.