PARIS & the City of ISIS: Major Occult Symbolism, Hypnosis & the Massive Psy-Op Now Underway
So the manufactured ISIS coming to literally the city of Isis (Paris) to allegedly carry out attacks is just ridiculously rich in occult symbolism. The goddess Isis is, by all accounts, a favorite of occult or Masonic societies (and remember the jihadists dont call themselves ISIS, but ISIL, and before that they were called simply Al-Qaeda in Iraq). For the record, Im not saying theres anything inherently wrong with the worshipping of the Egyptian goddess; it would seem as valid a religious belief as any.
But with all of that as context, the Paris attacks of Friday 13th look very different to what theyre portrayed as.
Whether or not there were any actual jihadists on the ground (and there may well have been), when one examines the symbolism and its historic context, what we are looking at might well have been a symbolic false-flag massacre designed not only to pave the way for war, but to signal and announce an occult-inspired push towards what John Robison cited centuries ago as Weishaupts and the Bavarian Illuminatis New World Order model. The attack invoked all the necessary symbolic markers the Templars, the Jesuits, the Bavarian Illuminati and the New World Order concept, the God of War, the literal sacrifice to the symbolic Devil at the Bataclan, and so on.
And that would be why all the deliberate symbolism was invoked to deliberately signal that fact to all those in the know, while letting the rest of us think this was simply the work of those terrible, disaffected and stupid, radicalised teenagers.