"Who are you, and what do you want?" - Londo Mollari, Babylon 5
You clearly hate those of us that dare to question what we've been told. It might be helpful to this group to see what you have to say elsewhere
William Seger (6,672 posts)
Conspiracism is a viscous cycle of delusion
After buying into pretty much any of the conspiracy theories floating around, any evidence supporting the "official story" of any tragedy starts looking fake, and of course any hoaxing just proves there was a conspiracy, while the lack of "smoking gun" conspiracy evidence must be because the cover-up is so effective in controlling The Media, which also proves a conspiracy, otherwise what would they be trying so hard to hide. Most people just laugh this stuff off, but people really do get sucked into Alex Jones style bullshit, and if carried far enough, it eventually robs them of any ability to deal with reality on a rational basis.
Maybe you and your other authoritarian buddies can all get together and have this group banned. Wouldn't matter even a tiny bit, because we'd all go somewhere else in a second. But you'd feel good, wouldn't you. Because people posting in an obscure area of a discussion board really really makes you angry. Why do some people get so angry at their fellow citizens that don't swallow everything rammed down their throat? That's a good question for professionals.
Until then, it's really too bad that you are allowed to pollute these threads. I can understand some of your frustration, as more and more people question the lies of 911 every single day. And unfortunately for you, many people around the world don't buy the official conspiracy theory. Deal with it, or, don't. No one cares.
How long do you think I'd last in the Hillary Clinton group if I stormed in there and insulted those who worship her and the articles her followers post? I wouldn't last long, would I Billy. But I don't have enough time to even try, because I have better things to do. (BTW- I'm sure you'll be interested in the fact that Rodham-Clinton's voice makes me want to drive ice picks through my eardrums. Kind of like how you don't like Andy Steel's voice)
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