Link to "8 Weirdest Conspiracy Theory Websites On The Planet" [View all]
If you're going to go all CT, you may as well go for the gusto. I haven't checked these
out yet, so cannot necessarily recommend them either way, but hey .. gotta keep an
open mind, right?
8 Weirdest Conspiracy Theory Websites On The Planet
Anyone that knows me well knows that I love a good conspiracy theory. However, my view on most theories is that 99% of the ones you find on the Internet are absolute, total bunk produced by people that should be seeking out counseling rather than distributing their delusional ramblings across the Internet.
My real interest comes from the 1% those fascinating stories backed up with solid documentation, conclusive evidence, and enough proof to make even the most hard-nosed skeptic sit up and take notice.
Thats one reason I loved Saikats article last week on 5 great websites for skeptics, covering such great hoax-busting, fact-checking websites as MythBusters and the Skeptics Dictionary. I was a little bit put off by the fast that my buddy Saikat failed to mention my humble site Top Secret Writers but then again, it is still a very small site and has a long way to go before making any top 5″ lists.
Then, Saikats list got me thinking. Isnt it crazy how few skeptic, fact-checking sites there are out there, yet there is such an abundance of crazy, poorly-researched conspiracy theory garbage websites ? I know that in my travels Ive come across them often enough, and have blacklisted a fair number of them as online homes for people that are completely out in la-la land.
Ive decided to share a few of my top selections of the weirdest conspiracy theory sites out there, with users or bloggers that do a terrible job fact-checking their loony-theories against reality. I offer these so that if you are also interested in those 1% of true stories out there, you can blacklist these sites from your travels and research as well.