On Saturday Sep 10th, Dr. Leroy Hulsey Department Chair, Civil and Environmental Engineering Professor, Ph.D., P. E., S.E., at the University of Alaska in Fairbanks gave a report on an in-depth forensic examination he and two PhD student assistants have been conducting since 2015 on the collapse of WTC 7. Professor Hulsey is one of the leading experts in the field of forensic engineering in the USA. He presented a verbal report on his team's conclusions to the Justice in Focus Symposium which took place in NYC this past weekend (Sep 10-11).
To summarize what he found: The NIST computer simulation contained significant errors and omissions which led them to an erroneous conclusion. NIST proposed in their final report that thermal expansion from ordinary office fires pushed a girder off its seat at column 79 which in turn set off a chain reaction of structural failures leading to the entire building collapsing into its own footprint. Professor Hulsey says this is incorrect, and when his team's computer models (without the errors and omissions in the NIST simulation) are used it clearly shows that there was not nearly enough lateral movement of the girder to have it pushed off its seat. Furthermore he emphatically states that he can now conclude Fire did NOT cause the collapse of WTC 7.
After a few minutes of introductory remarks when Professor Hulsey first takes the mic, much of the presentation gets quite technical with Professor Hulsey using slides to illustrate how his team went about creating their own computer models and showing where NIST erred in the computer models they used. If you don't have an engineering or physics background and the technical jargon gets too much for you, you can skip to the 27 min mark where Professor Hulsey starts to summarize his conclusions in some pretty plain English. You can't get much plainer than this: Did building 7 Collapse due to fires? And the answer is NO!