I guess the point I was making was how ignorant are the claims of "cultural" superiority coming from the conservative side. Just because you have better technology at the moment doesn't make you superior, least of all in any moral or ethical sense.
We are barely coming to terms with Evolution, let alone Relativity. Unfortunately, societies are still run by folks who's only interest seems to be preserving their status in hierarchies of control and oppression. It's an "inconvenient truth" that all our tales about our glorious history are largely mythology. Our past was much more syncretic than most of us currently comprehend, myself included.
The education I received in childhood was designed more for obedience than enlightenment. I remember arguing with my science teacher in fourth grade (way back when, in the late 1960's) about the continents not being "fixed", because I had just read an article in Scientific American about plate tectonics, which was not even acknowledged in our out-of-date text books. The teacher simply said that it wasn't true if if wasn't in the course material. So shut up and sit down, little smarty-pants!
That seems to be the dilemma. We're discovering the truth about our history, and how the world really works, much faster than our social structures can keep up. So we have all this blow-back of flag-waving nationalism, religious dogmatism, and hearkening back to some misty past where everything was in its proper place. So I wanted to come up with an "alternative history", just to mess with all this "white identity" crap I keep seeing lately.